Friday, August 30, 2013

English essay 2


   Most people had the experience of learning. Everyone is wanting to learn. Why do most people want to learn? I think learning is important things as a part of all people’s lifes. There are three ingredients to successful learning which are wanting to learn, knowing how to learn, and having a chance to learn.    
  Firstly, why do people want to learn? In my opinion, people want to get a better job. Most people hope to have a successful life that means including money. People don’t want to be poor. They want to eat a lot of delicious food, living in a good house and having a happy family. Of course it’s not possible to buy happiness with money. However, money is really important for living in modern culture. Next, people are helped with a problem by having knowledge in daily life. An English philosopher said that knowledge is power. I agree with this saying that people can’t lead a life without knowledge. Also, knowledge is able to help people in need when they use a skill and their technical skills. That’s why people want to learn because they also might be thinking that they want to make themselves useful. If I have knowledge of medicine, I can help African people in a refugee camp. In addition, people want to have more self confidence. Some people aren’t content with things as they are. There are a large number of jobs that require deep knowledge.
   Secondly, how do people know how to learn? Most people buy books, read news papers and search the internet. I suppose these ways are easy and save money when learning. If you go to a public library, you can find books and study. The second example is going to school and taking a class that is the most effective and useful way because it’s possible to learn from professional teachers who must have experience and their own teaching methods. Possibly there are students with the same purpose as you and they are able to share information and you can study with them. Besides, Some people learn by themselves depending on the content they are studying. The advantage is that you can capable of learn of your own pace. On the other hand, Some people apply for a job even if inexperienced because the company recruits new members for internships.
    Thirdly, having a chance to learn is heipful. If I want to get a chance to learn, I will spend money if possible or if I have a lot of money. Also, I will spend time if I have a lot of free time. However, I think there is another good way to have a chance to learn. I play jazz music. I sometimes use a workshop. Some famous professional musicians teach and perform. Likewise, I join a social network or community. People gather for the same purpose to be able to achieve their own goals by exchanging information and cooperating with other people.
   In conclusion, most people have experience about learning. Everyone is wanting to learn. There are three ingredients to successful learning which are wanting to learn, knowing how to learn, and having a chance to learn. People spend money and time. Also, People learn from other experienced people and share information with people with the same goals. People like challenge for improving their own ability for enriching their lives. Learning is an important part of life.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

English essay 1

What are the benefits of new technology ?
Most people can’t lead a pleasant life without new technology. Modern culture was  developed with the benefits of new technology. Many people prefer the benefits of new technology. Other people don’t prefer technology such as the Amish. I prefer the benefits of new technology. Some types of typical technology are examples of medical technology, industrial products, and Internet technology.
    First of all, I prefer the new medical technology. DNA technology is used to find the origin of intractable diseases. Also we can know about a lot of things from the research of DNA. Nowadays, a researcher has found out about specific longevity in DNA from older humans. It’s called sirtuin DNA. We could be able to live longer by studying about these DNA. Also I.P.S is a good example of a medical new technology. There are so many researchers in developed countrys. A Japanese scientist named SHINYA YAMANAKA won a Nobel prize in physiology or medicine for IPS. IPS is expected to be practical use for a solution of the cause of illnesses, and the development of new medicine and medical treatment for cell transplantation such as a muscular dystrophy. A lot of patients hope to get new medicines. Most diseases are now cured by these new medicines that could not be cured in the old days. Cancer and AIDS are might be able to be cured by these new medicines in the near future. People can get the benefits of medical facility. I always saw a lot of new medical equipment when I went to the hospital. Most people must benefit from that equipment. 
    Second of all, I prefer the latest industrial products. When I was child, I saw an animation movie about a robot that was cleaning a room. But this product hasn’t become the future. A vacuum cleaning robot called “i-robot roomba” is now selling at the stores. Bidet toilet seats are installed on most of the toilets in Japan. A lot of toilet paper was consumed by the bidet. Now, I really want to get a slow speed juicer. A slow Juicer is a juice extractor that uses a low speed technology system to extract juices. It’s possible to digest and absorb fruit and vegetable enzymes without damage to the live fresh enzymes by extracting slowly. A blue tooth wireless system is a new kind of technology where it is possible to transmit data on a computer. A blue tooth wireless system is used for a wireless headphone, mic and music receiver, and other things.
   Finally, I prefer internet technology. I can’t lead my daily life without the internet. It’s possible to share and get information. Specially, the internet is useful when I make a schedule and search for any kinds of things. Also, the internet system is able to communicate with people. There are so many communication systems on the internet such as e-mail, skype, online chat, twitter and facebook. The internet is used to manage and operate bank accounts. We don’t need to go to the bank frequently. Also, you don’t need to go out for shopping if you use the internet even for selling.
    In conclusion, most people can’t lead a comfortable life without new technology. Many people prefer to the benefits of new technology. Other people don’t prefer it. I prefer the benefits of new technology. For example there’s Medical technology, industrial products and the Internet. Obviously, modern culture has been developed by the benefits of new technology. I think new technology definitely influences people. I hope that it becomes key of a good future for a developing culture.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lighting bug 2

I re-tryed to shoot a video from my ipod touch. There were so many twinkle lighting bugs in the rain at the NYC central park.Bugs are communicating each other by their light.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Tune Up

I arranged a song of Miles Davis "Tune up" since several months ago. This is solo piano that was reckless challenge for me.
Please listen to songs on my website.

Tempo is fast and sounds tend to be bored if it is played only bebop scale because chord progressions are almost II-V-I and there are no bass and drums. I was struggled by theses pretty simple chord progressions for making variations without changing chord characters. But I learned a lot of things by deriving clear answers from my vague ideas and sound images.

この数ヶ月間、ずっとマイルスの曲"tune up"に挑んでいました。




lightning bugs

Wednesday, June 19, 2013



Saturday, June 15, 2013


Saturday, June 1, 2013

mulgrew millerが亡くなった。ショックすぎる。ショックすぎる。早すぎる。57歳。若すぎる。予期していなかった。生のライブで一度も聴くことができなかった。凄く後悔。CDや映像だけで実際の演奏を知る事ができないなんて残念すぎる。実際聴いてみないと気付かない事がたくさんあったろうに。こんな近くに住んでるのに悔しい。一番憧れるピアニストだっただけにショックすぎる。

Monday, April 22, 2013




Monday, April 15, 2013


ニュースの爆破映像を見て鳥肌が立った。映像を見る限りあの場所boylston streetはよく通っていた道。大学のビルのそば、ボストニアンが日常買い物などでよく使う道だ。そんな身近な場所で爆破テロがあるなんて。これから恐ろしすぎる。ちょうどボストンマラソンの時を狙っての犯行。これから何か大きなイベントがあるたびにテロの心配が頭によぎる。NYも警戒体制らしい。



Monday, March 18, 2013


大しておいしくないドーナツ。味が単純すぎる。これら以外は激甘or すごい色。という事でいつも仕方なくだいたいこの種類で。オールドファッション、ダブルチョコレート、グレイズドココナッツ、フレンチクルーラー。食べるたびにミスドが食べたくなる。ケーキでも何でもかんでもなぜか生クリームのものが少ない、砂糖だらけのバタークリームが多い。そろそろおいしい物が食べたい。ミスドを見習えダンキンさんよ。
そして帰り道はどこからともなくチャンチャカ聴こえてくる昔の歌謡曲っぽいメキシカンミュージック。「ほんとみんな好きだねぇ、そういう曲調、、」っとうんざり思いながら耳に残らないよう聴かないようにしてトコトコ帰ってきて朝食。west harlem の朝はこんな感じです。ハーレムといっても黒人Yo  yo- 一色って感じではありません。それはきっと真ん中のハーレム辺りかもです。しかし窓の外からyo--って毎日聴こえてきます。お互い距離が遠いのに大声で話す習慣があります。僕は勝手に太古のアフリカの草原で育ったDNAがそうさせていると思っています。声がでかい!ああぁ愚痴ってきた。

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Friday, January 18, 2013





Monday, January 14, 2013

A Happy New Year!

今年はcleopatra's needleのNew yearのカウントダウンイベントに行ってきました。
